12th Annual Light Up Donegal Cliffs for a Good Cause - 2024
Posted on Nov 24th, 2024
It is a beautiful display, and it is also special because once the costs of the luminary supplies are covered, the remaining dollars are donated to a charity.
If you have suggestions about a charity that we may want to donate to this year, please let me know.
We are now at the point where we need your help, and the following information outlines how you can help.
We need to be sure the supply costs are covered. So please take a minute now to donate. An easy way to donate is using the DCHA Online Payments feature, which you can access by clicking on the following link: http://www.donegalcliffs.org/payment.php . You can also access the same DCHA Online Payments by going directly to the DCHA website and clicking on the 'Online Payments’ link. When using the DCHA Online Payments, you can choose to donate using a PayPal account or by using your credit card. Please note that there is a small processing fee that is associated with using the online options.
Or if you prefer, you can write a check made out to DCHA, and mail or drop it off to: [Irmeen Siddiqui, 4562 Dunleary Drive]. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
This is an easy volunteer opportunity - close to home, no meetings, and each job takes no more than a couple hours. To bring this beautiful display to our neighborhood, we need your help.
Again, we have an opportunity to sign up electronically using SignUpGenius - thanks to Daniela Lohse. So please take a moment to sign-up using the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0F49A5AE23A2FF2-52882475-12th
For those who prefer to sign up using email, please email Daniela and myself directly at dllohse@gmail.com and irmeenqamar@gmail.com
If you choose this method to volunteer, please be sure we have your name/email, the task(s) you want to do.
This is an easy family activity that consists of folding bags and preparing the candles and has made assembly run much quicker.
This is an easy family activity that consists of folding bags and preparing the candles and has made assembly run much quicker.
Assembly Sites:
Typically assembled in your garage. The more volunteers we have the fewer each site will have to assemble. Once we finalize the assembly sites, then we will make arrangements to drop off the supplies (bags, candles and sand).
Typically assembled in your garage. The more volunteers we have the fewer each site will have to assemble. Once we finalize the assembly sites, then we will make arrangements to drop off the supplies (bags, candles and sand).
Dec 24 from 1-3. This will proceed much like it did last year and you would be assigned to an assembly location(s) for pickup and distribution. You will have materials that show you how/where to distribute the filled bags.
Candle Lighting:
Dec 24 from 5:45-6. As in the past, we ask that people light their own candles at 5:30 (and their neighbors' if they are not home or are unable to light them). We need several volunteers to drive around and light any that were missed.
Bag Pick Up:
Dec 25 from 3-4. As in the past, we ask that people pick up and dispose of the luminaries in front of their homes (and their neighbors' if they are not home or are unable to dispose of them). We will need a few volunteers to pick up any remaining bags.
If you have any questions, please email me separately and I will be happy to respond.
With your generosity, Donegal Cliffs can again provide a beautiful display and help someone in need during this holiday season!
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