Annual Dues
chevron_rightTITLE COMPANIES - Who do they contact?
Title Companies wanting information about Homeowners Association Fees, Dues and payments can send their request to our HOA Treasurer.
- Click on the Contact Us link on the left.
- Select Treasurer from the Send To drop-down list.
- Complete the rest of the information including a detailed description of what you need the Treasurer to provide.
chevron_rightWhat are the 3 payment methods for annual dues?
You have 3 methods for paying your 2025 Donegal Cliffs Homeowners’ Dues.U.S. Mail
- Complete the 2025 Dues Notice.
- Include a check for $125 payable to Donegal Cliffs Homeowners Association.
- Send to DCHA, P.O. Box 354, Dublin, OH 43017
Bill Pay through your bank.- Ensure you include your name, address and phone number to ensure your payment is applied to your account.
- $125 payable to Donegal Cliffs Homeowners Association.
- Send to DCHA, P.O. Box 354, Dublin, OH 43017
Make sure to update your online profile on the website.
Online Payment from our Website with a Credit Card (Available again this year!)- Go to: www.DonegalCliffs.org and click on Online Payments
- Follow the instructions for paying with a credit card via PayPal.
- A processing fee will automatically be added to your payment.
- You will receive a receipt via email when you pay online.
- Make sure to update your online profile on the website.
chevron_rightHow much are the Annual Dues?
The annual HOA dues are just $125 per household. The dues were raised in 2024 after no changes were made for over 20 years.
chevron_rightWhen are the annual dues due?
Upon receipt! To avoid late fees, complete the Dues form and return it with your payment as soon as you receive it. The final deadline is January 31.
chevron_rightWhat address do I send my annual dues to?
Donegal Cliffs Homeowners AssociationP.O. Box 354Dublin, OH 43017
chevron_rightAre there late fees if I don't pay Upon Receipt?
Yes. Please pay immediately to avoid late fees.Add an additional $15 (late fee) per quarter.
March 1 - June 30 $140 July 1 - September 30 $155 October 1 - December 31 $170 after December 31 $185 Liens may be placed on properties for chronic non-payment of the annual HOA dues.
chevron_rightCan I pay my dues via my online banking?
Yes. Make sure to provide the following information:
- Your name, Donegal Cliffs Address so that your dues payment gets applied to your account correctly and email address
- Checks payable to: Donegal Cliffs Homeowners Association
- Send to: DCHA, P.O. Box 354, Dublin, OH 43017
chevron_rightCan I pay my dues online?
YES! You are able to pay your annual HOA dues on this website via PayPal. Just click on the Online Payment link and follow the instructions.
chevron_rightWhat are the dues used for?
The percentages below represent the areas that the annual dues covered for 2013.
- 60% Landscaping
- 9% Utilities
- 8% Legal Expenses
- 6% Reserve
- 5% Insurance
- 5% Maintenance
- 5% Mailings
- 1% Real Estate Tax
- 1% Social
Note: The majority of the Legal Expenses in 2013 were due to rewriting the Bylaws and adding the Sexual Predator amendment to the agreement. These expenses will not continue in subsequent years.
chevron_rightWho do I contact if my neighbor is in violation of a neighborhood restriction?
We are fortunate that the basic deed restrictions have been incorporated into a Dublin City Planned Unit Development (PUD). You can find a copy by clicking on Documents, HOA Official Documents and DCHA Development Text-PUD. These restrictions are controlled by the city Zoning Office. If you are aware of any breaches of these restrictions please contact Brian Martin, Zoning Inspector directly at 614-410-4660 or BMartin@dublin.oh.us. The Board would also appreciate being notified so we can follow up with the city if needed.
chevron_rightWho do I contact about a street tree?
Street trees are maintained by the City Forester and staff. You can find more information on the City of Dublin webiste: http://dublinohiousa.gov/forestry/
Garage Sale
chevron_rightWhen is the neighborhood Garage Sale?
The Donegal Cliffs neighborhood Garage Sale is typically the weekend before the Memorial Day weekend. Watch the website, Google Group emails and signs at our entrances for more information.
chevron_rightIs there a cost to participate in the Garage Sale?
Yes. The cost is per household and is TBD each year. The cost covers the following :
- Garage sale permits that must be purchased from the City of Dublin
- Miscellaneous items needed to facilitate the neighborhood Garage Sale. e.g. Maps, signs and balloons
Google Group
chevron_rightWhat is the Donegal Cliffs Google Group?
It is a major form of communication in our neighborhood. We need all households to have at least one email in the group. Please sign into the site and click on Google Group for more information.
chevron_rightWhy should I join the Google Group?
The Google Group has been a great asset to our community. Below are some examples:
- HOA information is sent to homeowners in a more cost effective and timely manner.
- Everyone in the group is able to send an email to everyone in the neighborhood. This feature is invaluable when you have lost a pet and want to reach out to your neighbors for help.
- Many have used it to ask for recommendations for lawn service, plumbers, general contractors, window cleaners, painters, etc.
- Several have announced local school and charity events.
chevron_rightHow can I tell if an email is from the Donegal Cliffs Google Group?
All emails that come from the Donegal Cliffs Google Group will have the follow at the beginning of the Subject Line of the email: {Donegal Cliffs}